Tuesday, November 25, 2008

November 2008 Debt!

So back in October we sold my husband truck we paid off a little bit of our debt. Not as much as I would have like but heck some is better then non right! So here is our Balances for November

FL Hospital 400.00 -134.00
FL Medical 625.00 -75.00
Grandpa 0.00 -1200.00
Best Buy 2278.90 -18.27
Chase 2722.39 -55.09
Discover 3519.40 -50.55
GTE CC 5477.90 -81.79
Polairs 7750.81 -8.23
GTE CP 8067.53 -200.71
Total 30841.93 -1,823.64

I say paying off 1823.64 for one month is good. Don't you?