Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Starting to Stress!

Well, roamers are starting to fly around here at our work place about layoffs! My hubby and I work at the same company. 2 weeks ago we were notified about pay cuts. That Start March 1st! To help prevent layoffs. Everyone keeps talking that layoffs are coming! I know that I'll be one of the first ones to go! I know it will not be sooo bad. We can live on my hubby income but leaves very very little for our Debt snow ball due that we just have had a pay cut big time!. Almost none at all! So we have decided to start putting everything we have into savings! Just in case i do get layoff. I'll have to find at least a part time job that can work around my DD school and her gymnastics. If this really happens this will really suck! Right now we save alot of money by us working for the same company due we Drive to/from work together so use 1/2 the gas that we use to! Save on Lunches! My husband job is safe we know that so that is one good thing. Mine is total not. I did want to be a stay at home mom again. but not until we paid off all our debt or had a 2nd child what ever came first! If I do get layoff there goes having a 2nd child because I will not have health ins anymore! So this changes everything with our Tax refund. Well not everything. We were going to take some for our selfs but not anymore we are going to put all not into the debt. So we will have a little less to worry about. Ok think enough of my Ramblings for now.