Sunday, August 23, 2009

Aug 2009 Debt

Augest 2009
BRH 1102.72 1102.72
Chase 2,582.44 -327.30
Discover 4,020.58 -45.73
GTE CC 4,923.26 -69.85
GTE CP 6,242.43 -211.16
Us Bank CC 7647.96 -76.04
26,519.39 372.64

As you can see we did pay off some of our debt how ever we added the 1102.72 bill to our debt. That is from when my husband was in the hospital and it was the last of our deductible.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Just somethings On my Mind

Now this has nothing to do With debt its just how i'm feeling right now. So yestorday I found out that my cousin is pregnant again. She has 10 month old girl boy twins. As i'm very excited for her. I found my self feeling Mad sad and frustrated! She is Due March 16th. 3 days after Reilly Will turn 7 years old. However she will be having another c-section so she will prob be having it before then but still. her kids will be 18months aprart. this is just makeing me want to have another child even more for some reason. Ok, enought of a pitty party. I just need to get it off my chest!. Thats why I love bloging!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Update On life

Well, we really were not perpaired for life when My husband rolled his four Wheeler. So we have added to our debt! How frustrating! O well, I'm not going to worry about it. So our June debt.

Chase 2,934.98 309.48 Discover 3,309.55 -38.00 GTE CC 5,062.65 -69.29 GTE CP 6,660.59 -200.42 Us Bank CC 7,806.66 -76.70 25,774.43-74.93
Now Julys
Chase 2,909.74 -25.24 Discover 4,066.31 756.76 GTE CC 4,993.11 -69.54 GTE CP 6,453.59 -207.00 Us Bank CC 7,724.40 -82.26 26,147.15 372.72

Now next month I'll add the 1102.00 that is from the hospital. We hope to have that paid off before the End of the year. but its not looking like it with my husband work. Its looking like that his hours are going to be cut or the place is closing. So we are a little freaked out right now. so who knows. we are just taking it day by day!