Well, we really were not perpaired for life when My husband rolled his four Wheeler. So we have added to our debt! How frustrating! O well, I'm not going to worry about it. So our June debt.
Chase 2,934.98 309.48 Discover 3,309.55 -38.00 GTE CC 5,062.65 -69.29 GTE CP 6,660.59 -200.42 Us Bank CC 7,806.66 -76.70 25,774.43-74.93
Now Julys
Chase 2,909.74 -25.24 Discover 4,066.31 756.76 GTE CC 4,993.11 -69.54 GTE CP 6,453.59 -207.00 Us Bank CC 7,724.40 -82.26 26,147.15 372.72
Now next month I'll add the 1102.00 that is from the hospital. We hope to have that paid off before the End of the year. but its not looking like it with my husband work. Its looking like that his hours are going to be cut or the place is closing. So we are a little freaked out right now. so who knows. we are just taking it day by day!
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